What's everyone talking about in the leadership development world?

The Blog

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It’s the beginning of football season in the United States and we are seeing a variety of coaches on TV.   Some are ecstatic as their teams win games, but many are showing frustration, disappointment, or even outright anger when their teams don’t execute plays as instructed and lose the game.  Is this what you are […]

Sep 11, 2022

Executive Coaching – Is this something I need?

You’ve been Promoted into a Leadership Role, now what?

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I remember when I was promoted into my first supervisory role.  I felt fantastic – for about a day!  I had finally justified my expensive MBA education and I knew that my family was extremely proud.  I also loved the fact that I was now in a position to make more of a contribution to […]

What Exactly is Emotional Intelligence and Why Should I Care?

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You may have heard the term “emotional intelligence” or EQ and wondered what exactly do we mean by it?   In addition, you may have wondered is it really important, or just the latest fad in leadership literature?  Over 25 years ago, in his groundbreaking work Emotional Intelligence – Why It Can Matter More than […]

Are you running on Empty? 5 things to help you recharge

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As I have talked with many leaders recently, the thing that has struck me is how exhausted and overwhelmed everyone is feeling.  Okay, so it is drawing towards the end of the year, and we all tend to be tired out then.   Oh yeah, and then there has been that global pandemic thing going […]


I'm Lesley MacKeller

With more than 25 years of business experience on three continents, I work with individuals, teams and organizations to achieve results by assessing the current situation, developing high quality solutions and ensuring sound implementation plans are in place.

I have always been fascinated with what makes people "tick" - in other words, what makes us who we are and what do we do with that information.  Yet, despite coming from a long line of school teachers, I initially resisted going into education or the learning and development field. So imagine my surprise when I woke up one day and found myself in the leadership development world of a multi-national corporation. 

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