mEET lesley

Wife. Mother. Business owner. Dog lover and endless adventurer.

I have always been fascinated with what makes people "tick" - in other words, what makes us who we are and what do we do with that information. Perhaps this was because I lived and worked on three different continents before the age of twenty five (Africa, Europe and North America). Yet, despite coming from a long line of school teachers, I initially resisted going into education or the learning and development field. So imagine my surprise when I woke up one day and found myself in the leadership development world of a multi-national corporation. I discovered that there was nothing more stimulating and rewarding than facilitating the learning of others.  

I had gravitated towards helping leaders grow and develop and create high performing teams. The best part was I got to do this with sales leaders across the globe. While there were some important cultural differences, I found that the majority of leadership challenges were universal (e.g. how to transition from an individual contributor role to leading a team of others, how to be a good coach and leader to a variety of different of personalities, and how to be strategic when you are fighting multiple tactical fires). This experience showed me that leaders have way more in common than I had previously realized and, to quote Reese Witherspoon:

"With the right kind of coaching and determination, you can accomplish anything"

Pablo Picaso

"The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it way".

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